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5 Essential WordPress Security Tips (And How to Implement Them)

5 Essential WordPress Security Tips (And How to Implement Them)

No software can be completely secure and WordPress is no exception. Handling almost a quarter of all websites worldwide, the platform is an obvious target for hackers. Although we hear about many of the major attacks there are thousands being stopped every year by the...
Why do you need a professional looking website?

Why do you need a professional looking website?

Did you know that approximately 65% of your target audience are visual learners? According to a study carried out by Webdam, a large majority of individuals favour seeing images over text and are therefore more likely to consume what you are trying to advertise. In...
Why is branding important?

Why is branding important?

Branding is used in all businesses, no matter the size or type, and it has been used for millennia as there is evidence that brands were used in ancient Egypt.  Branding is intended to identify goods and services and deliver the message that your business or product...
Standard paper sizes

Standard paper sizes

Although today most of us send all of our writing digitally through E-Mail, written on a word processor, paper is still an extremely important part of the world. Storing off-machine back-ups is one of the most important reasons that paper is still used, for example....

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